
West Kerry Museum

I had been meaning to visit the museum on a few trips to the Dingle Peninsula but as always had too many other places to explore. We were determined to stop by on this occasion and were well rewarded. Amongst the artifacts on display are five ogham stones, several cross inscribed slabs, plus a number of quern stones and the wonderful rock art pictured right. The rock is 1.2 metres long with a large cup-and-3 circles and a radial line running from the centre of the cup plus several other cup marks. Annascaul ogham stone pictured above, was found in 1989 built into the gable wall of an outhouse. It is named in the museum as the coumlanders stone - the inscription reads "RETAGIN MAQI DOV[U!][--"

Lougher Rock Art

Lougher bronze age rock art

The first two stones pictured above were found in Lougher. They are believed to come from a souterrain in Rathmalode. The stone on the left, known as Rathmalode No 2 was re-used in Lougher as a lintel in an outhouse. The stone in the centre is known as Rathmalode No 1, it was used as a lintel in a cottage and reads "CURCI MAQI MUCOI V--"

Emlagh West Ogham Stone

Emlagh West ogham stone

Rathmalode No 2 reads "ERCAVICCAS MAQI CO[--"

The stone marked East Muskerry is actually known as Ballyhank Ogham Stone No 2. It was found along with five others in a souterrain in Ballyhank Townland in the Parish of East Muskerry, County Cork. The stone reads


The Emlagh West ogham stone, pictured left, was found acting as a lintel or jamb stone in the entrance to a souterrain inside a rath in that townland. The stone, which is partly broken, reads


Reask Stone E

Reask stone (E)

Ardamore Pillar

Ardamore decorated pillar


We were delighted to see several gorgeous cross slabs also present in the museum. Some of these slabs or decorated stones came from the ecclesiastical site at Reask. These incribed stones are known as Reask stone (E), (H) and (G). Stone E, shown above left, is a sandstone slab decorated with a Greek cross and plain stem, in the upper angles are two crosslets. The fret and interlace designs were added later. The decorated stone at Ardamore, pictured above, was only discovered in 1980 during the expansion of farm buildings. The design is quite stunning, it too bears a Greek cross in a circular panel. Another beautifully decorated stone is a small triangular slab from the ecclesiastical site at Kilvickadownig, a site we have yet to visit. The stone is carved on both sides. The most elaborately decorated side is shown left. It bears an equal armed cross with expanded terminals.

Situated: In the centre of Ballyferriter on the western side of the main road. Sign-posted Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne. Open from Easter to September.

Discovery Map 70: Q 3539 0435. Last visit Sept 2012.

Longitude: 10° 24' 22" W

Latitude: 52° 9' 59" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

Cross slabs

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